Borewell Ministry
Borewells to the poor tribal congregations .​
There are many rural, tribal villages in the state of Andhra Pradesh where the Church of Christ Mission Work is located. We have established congregations in several of these tribal villages. Many of the people in our congregations living in these tribal villages do not have access to clean drinking water. The villages are located many miles from the closest source of water.. As a result, the of our congregations are having to walk many miles in order to get clean drinking water for themselves and their families. In order to help the members of our congregations to get ready access to clean drinking water, we established our borewell ministry to work to drill borewells for our congregations that need them.
Our borewell ministry began in May 2016. To date, we have had borewells drilled many borewells of our needy congregations. The Christians living in these congregations are very happy and blessed with the borewells which provide easy access to clean drinking water. By the Grace and Mercy of God, they no longer have to walk for miles to get water for themselves and their families. While we drill the borewells to help our needy brothers and sisters in Christ, This borewell ministry has done much to bring Honor and Glory to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are thanking God for His Love, Mercy and Grace in blessing these congregations with these borewells.
Borewell Ministry Goals and Needs
A primary goal of the Church of Christ Mission Work is to have borewells in place in every village where we have congregations and in those villages where we might establish congregations in the future. Each borewell costs $1500 USD, depending on the depth needed to drill in order to reach water, as the depth required to reach water varies in different locations. Currently, we have five additional congregations that badly need a borewell to provide access to clean drinking water. We are trying very hard to raise the funds needed for these borewells.
If you would like to be a part of our borewelll ministry for the Glory of God and provide support and encouragement for this great gospel work, please feel free to contact me. We and the many Christians living in these villages will greatly appreciate any support you are able to provide for the drilling of these borewells.